
Hiring staff, tips for a successful process

The hiring of personnel constitutes the end of the selection process. Know all its ins and outs

The most obvious purpose of a selection process is the recruitment of personnel. A candidate who must adapt to the values ​​and needs of the organization and the vacancy itself.

However, and in the same way that we have been taking care of the phases through which the selected applicant has passed, we must carry it out correctly. We leave you some keys to get it.

What is staffing?

Personnel hiring is the closing of the recruitment and selection phase and the formalization of the candidate’s entry as an employee. This is the final moment when you sign the contract and the necessary legal adjustments are applied.

That said, there are factors to consider. Not only the legal aspects, but the negotiation on the employment contract itself.

Before delving into the incorporation of the worker, we want to offer you a staff recruitment template in excel so that you can plan a simple recruitment process. Thus, you will only hire the talent that fits your company.

Once you have used the template you will see that if the process is complicated, if a large number of candidates arrive or if you need to screen them for multiple competencies … the manual method falls short. It will be time to have technology.

Policies in personnel hiring processes

The personnel hiring policies are the exclusive competence of the Human Resources director. Along with the rest of the Human Resources elements, it is necessary to establish general hiring guidelines.

As we said in our post on Human Resources Policies, policies should be comprehensive but serve, in turn, as a guide. In no case is it necessary that they be etched by fire, they can be modified at any time that a substantial change in practices is considered necessary.

The salary band in hiring personnel

In the Human Resources policies, elements related to hiring must be established. First, wage bands should be recorded.

This is a crucial point because if a salary is set by type of job performed, discrimination is avoided. Also, a fixed salary for work can help to avoid problems in the negotiation that suppose a heavy task for the person who is going to hire.

But the pay band has other problems as well. And it is that in certain jobs it is necessary to be flexible given the lack of people for those jobs. Other elements that are fixed are vacations, the name of the position … But what is fundamental are the internal rules of the company.

This must be clear at the time of hiring since the employee must know what he must abide by within the company and, in addition, it must be explicit that he abides by it. Finally, it is also necessary to determine how to treat the data that the employee is providing.

Personnel hiring process

The hiring process as such is not excessively complex. More than the process, what is important are the previous moments. That is, the recruitment and selection process.

If these previous processes have been carried out well and the company policies are clear, this process is straightforward. The problem would be when one of these elements fails.

For example, when the job description or the wording of the offer is poorly done and the candidate did not expect what is now being proposed or when there is no set salary. This does not have to be due to a failure; it can also be due to the flexibility that the company incorporates in these processes.

Tips for the hiring process

In that case, it is necessary to negotiate and some aspects must be taken into account for the personnel hiring process:

  1. You cannot offer any salary or benefit. Talk before to be clear about what you can and cannot offer.
  2. Know who you hire. If we are talking about a qualified, experienced and / or difficult to find profile, you will have to play your best cards to capture them.
  3. You have to keep in mind what happened in the selection process. Many times, it is necessary to answer some questions to the candidates or clarify certain elements. It is clear that if something has been promised to him, now it cannot be breached. For this, it is essential that there are forms of communication between the processes and a record of activities.
  4. Study the value of that job position in the market. There are some minimums that cannot be lowered and some maximums that it is not advisable to raise.
  5. The best thing is to talk about salary before the end of the selection process. You eliminate the candidate’s doubts and make things clear so as not to waste time.
  6. In any hiring process, the best thing you have to sell is your company, the opportunities it offers or the social benefits it has. If you are clear about these, you will be able to face the negotiation.

Finally, have all the legal documents ready: employment contract, specifications, registration with social security, bank account … It is best to prepare a check-list with everything you need and avoid problems of lack of documentation.

Keshav Encon, One of the best Overseas Recruitment Agency in India.

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