
What Are The Seven Stages Of Communication?

Living a successful life necessitates effective communication. Practical communication abilities may help you advance in your profession, strengthen your connections, and improve your people skills. Essential communication has several levels. You will be able to communicate more effectively in your personal and professional life if you know and comprehend these stages.

A sender, message, and receiver are required for efficient communication. Both the sender and the receiver must fulfill several basic procedures to communicate effectively. The seven fundamental phases of the communication process are sender or source, encoding, message, medium or channel, decoding, receiver, feedback, and noise.

1: Sender

The individual who distributes communications is known as the sender. The sender is the initial individual in the communication process. The sender is a reliable source of data.

A sender might be an individual, a manager, a non-manager, a department, or an entire company. A manager has the authority to communicate with other managers, subordinates, supervisors, clients, customers, and outsiders.

A sender is the one who starts the communication process. He creates a message to send to his recipients using his concept, needs, intention, and source. Before the message is encoded, the sender must comprehend it.

2: Coding

Encoding the message is the second stage in the communication process. Encoding is the process of giving a notice a shape and meaning. It entails deciding how the desired message should be delivered. Encoding occurs when the sender communicates a message through words, symbols, gestures, drawings, or other ways.

Its primary goal is to convert ideas and feelings into a code that others can understand. It allows the listener to comprehend and interpret the message.

3: Messages    

The message is the result of the encoding procedure. The news is the content that the sender wishes to convey to the recipient. Because there is nothing to exchange without a message, it is often regarded as the heart of communication.

The sender’s facts, views, thoughts, requests, and suggestions, among other things, may be included in a communication. The sender communicates his thoughts, ideas, and facts to the receiver through messages, which might be written or spoken.

4: Channels or Medium

It is the choice of communication routes via which a sender sends his encoded message to the recipient. It communicates messages of shared interest by bridging the distance between the sender and the recipient.

Messages may be communicated through a variety of methods, depending on their efficacy. Oral communication, for example, can be accomplished by telephone, mediator, group discussion, and so on. Letters, memoranda, reports, newspapers, and other forms of written communication can be used. The type and quality of the message, however, influence the medium of communication chosen.

5: Recipients

In the communication process, the receiver is the second party. He is the one who gets signals, interprets them, and takes the appropriate actions to respond.

Communication becomes complete from a technological standpoint only after the message is received and comprehended by the receiver. As a result, successful communication must be focused on the recipient rather than the sender. A recipient does not acknowledge a touch until he understands its entire meaning.

6: Decoding

The process by which the recipient transforms the message into words relevant to them is referred to as decoding. It is the receiver’s method of comprehending communications. To put it another way, decoding refers to the transmission of information between the sender and the receiver.

It is critical to understand the message’s significance in light of the sender’s aim. If words in letters, reports, circulars, newspapers, and other documents are decoded incorrectly, they may be misunderstood, resulting in a misunderstanding between the sender and the receiver.

Organizational issues arise as a result of such situations. Communication can be considered adequate only when the receiver can decode the message in line with the sender’s goal.

7: Feedback

The final stage in the communication process is to provide feedback. It determines if the message has been correctly comprehended and whether the recipient has made the required effort as intended by the sender. When the receiver can interpret the messages sent by the sender, he responds promptly.


As a result, the sender should convey information in a straightforward and obvious sequence, keeping the receiver’s perspective in mind. Only when the sender receives a favorable answer from the receiver can the communication process be considered successful. The communication process is completed when the sender receives feedback. The communication process is circular since it starts with the sender and ends with the sender in feedback. Professional assistance can help individuals to write an effective event description, along with acquiring Assignment Help.

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