
how does work car insurance policy?

Several actors are involved in car insurance policy. Let’s see to whom the RC car can be registered and why.

The vehicle owner and policyholders may not be the same, so it is possible to decide who to pay the car insurance policy to. Here’s how to do it and what are the tips to save.

Car insurance policy?

Car insurance covers damage to your vehicle and protects you financially if you’re liable for someone else’s injuries or damages

When it comes to car insurance, it should be remembered that there are two figures that do not always coincide: we are talking about the policyholder and the insured.

The policyholder is the person who signs the car insurance policy and undertakes to pay the premium. So he signs and pays.

If the policyholder is also the owner of the vehicle and the one who uses it, we stop here: it is the only person who comes into play together with the insurance company.

There are also cases in which the policyholder and the insured do not coincide, the classic example is that of the child’s car insurance in which the policyholder is the father.

Here the matter becomes more complicated since although the contracting party is the father, the risk certificate is also useful to define the amount to be paid (class of merit, age, physical condition, etc.) concerns the owner of the vehicle, therefore the child. The insured is always the owner of the vehicle.

Returning to our example we could also have the case where:

  • the father is the owner of the vehicle, therefore he is a policyholder and insured;
  • the child uses the same vehicle on a daily basis.

In this case, it is advisable to subscribe to an RC car with free driving, to protect all possible drivers, but which, as mentioned, always takes into consideration the certificate of risk of the vehicle owner.

Save on car insurance policy: family car liability and comparator

The last example presented could concern cases in which the family intends to save because the father presumably can benefit from a more advantageous class of merit, therefore even if the vehicle is intended for the child, the father has ownership and car insurance.

However, there are two other ways to optimize the savings on the mandatory car insurance policy:

  • Family car liability insurance, which allows within the family unit to benefit from the most advantageous merit class present, provided that the insured has not caused any accidents in the 5 years preceding the stipulation;
  • Estimator, which provides the opportunity, with the same starting conditions (age, gender, residence, class of merit, etc.) to compare without obligation the estimates of online car insurance companies and find the one that best suits the needs, all just by filling out a questionnaire to see in a few minutes the prices offered by the saving bond insurance agencies compared.

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